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Welcome to my blog. Tag before you leave ;)

Aged for the past 17 years

and i'm nice


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Shi Xian
Melissa <3
Chia Ming
Mich! (:

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Sunday, October 04, 2009
i'm slowly getting the hang of the gaping hole that was left behind

another thing is

for fuck sake,
it was of no one to blame but just yours and mine,
dont bring in anyone,
specially those who are easily deceived by your persuasive bitch tone
and of course,
the one who was scared shitless
when he/she didnt do you any fucking wrong

wanna blame
blame me
i'll take the fight to somewhere where we can discuss like real adults,
where i can tell you again
i am my own ( and to God )
and no one else

Saturday, September 05, 2009
The painful memories
Of the tears of yesterday

Saturday, August 22, 2009
you come on,
and you go off
you reply,
but you wont talk
you give hope,
but show no sign of it
you say its over,
you think its not
you think there is motive,
but there is none
you feel bad,
but you're not alone
why do you ponder
when there is nothing left to be thought
you say its really over
but you just wont let it go

who am i?


collapse by rise against is so awesome

Sunday, August 09, 2009
i could see she was special
though hands held tight till they sat around the table,
she started observing,
new restaurant,
go figure,

some laid eyes on her,
special she was she didnt care,
such young age,
she didnt care.

i just saw with curiosity, if she'll be like any normal little girls,
than what was curiosity turned into sympathy,
they didnt care as well,
they didnt care that people were looking,
they didnt care bout her,
though hands held tight when they entered,
they didnt care that she was at the table
they sat across from each other
inspecting the menu, he looked in front to discuss,
turned right to ask what his eldest wanted
she keep on reading,

she pulled the menu away,
he just pulled it back,
no eyes contact,
no words of frustration,
like an invisible force they all gotten used to,
too young to have so little attention, she turns to the reflection and grumbles
she sees me,
she didnt care

i left, looking back,
still that invisible force they've gotten used to

you have my sympathy.

Sunday, July 19, 2009
i'd rather risk illness and injuries
looking for the sunshine,
than stay under a warm shelter
and forever be drenched upon

wouldn't the rain agree?

stepping back might be bad,
how bout we try going forward,
wont leave you behind,
wont let you get too far ahead either,
take a step at a time,
wont be too fast,
slow seems nice,
lets talk
lets just relax a little
please dont think what happened,
just thought what would be


Saturday, July 11, 2009
haha, almost a month since i last update,
okay okay

nothing much happened really,
i lost my ipod haha
and got a new one
for a mere 80bucks
for a classic HAHAHA
rip off,

quarreled with my sis
still on cold war,
i must really have a thing for that,
cause mich still hates me haha
still does not believe things will work out
not hate

my relationship is still going so strong haha
im happy about it,
i cant say its foolproof,
i do have my insecurities,
maybe cause she's ever so outgoing
like as if any guy would fall for her kinda way,
but than again,
im not afraid haha
i love her

studies wise,
im in for a really really wild one

im having fun in school really,
im really really more enthusiastic to stay back inschool to study and play haha

im lazy to upload pictures hahah

They Don't Really Care About Us

Thursday, June 25, 2009
i had a very nice quiet birthda with mel
i really loved it,
thanks to those who wished
and thanks to those who fucking forgot


naaah im just joking

i must say,
mich must be really annoyed to put me back on msn
and taking that for granted,
im still constantly msging her and talking thrash with her on msn,
im sorry
thn again
i have lots to tell her
than again
she still hates my guts


mel seems okay with it though,
i thought she'd be in the whatever mood,
rather she gave me the oh! great mood
i love her, to the max
very very much
now i wouldnt exactly wanna go into details of what we did or how we spend our time together
i'll just say we still love each other :D
very much


i always end with that shit