Tuesday, February 03, 2009
i'm not sure if it'll make any sense but here goes
this is in relation to leon's post haha
to me,
a girlfriend is indeed someone to love, someone to hold and someone to care for
it's agreeable that we see that values in family and friends,
however you might see it
it'll be different
when you love someone, apart for family,
you have to agree that you do occasionally have the urge to love someone outside that circle of yours,
be it through a stranger or a close friend.
dont say no,
it happens.
however if you dont know love,
i can roughly tell you whats it like
when you love,
you dont expect it to be returned,
its a one way road
for my current situation
i love her whole heartedly
of course i expect alittle "profit' from it
like her likeing it or being touched
but i do bear in mind that these are feelings that might never be received on my end
however i still do it
because i want to
i call that love
something you'll not show to anyone else but that girlfriend/boyfriend
yes there are love in other ways like to family and friends
for family,
that love is the appreciation for their care and concern over the many useless years of our lives
for friends,
its the need to show that you'll support them through tough times like how they did for you
and the chemistry you have among ourselves that led to us hanging out together.
for that special someone however,
its the need that surges through your body to push you to your limit of loving someone,
knowing it might never be returned,
and to let he/she know you'll be there for her even if you just met
its that need to look over her and make sure no harm gets in the way.
it's starting to look more like a sibling/parental point of view
thats where people come up with god bro, etc etc
for some cases i agee they have the closeness and the natural platonic resonance to thier relationship
on more occasional cases i call it a fucking lame excuse to move on a step closer to her.
no offence to those who has his god bro and sis stuff( to people who values sibling relationship)
screw the rest.
i know some might find this pointless or not agree to all this
but if you do think alittle
or remember,
girlfriend makes you feel the way none of your family and friends can
unless you havent felt it
than you should try harder
i really dunno what im talking now,
maybe its cause i have someone i really love someone and forgot how being single was like
(i'm still single )
so im saying a gf is good and that no one can replace that feelings
like how im sulking about the sweet grapes i cant reach and claiming its sour
if you do remember the moral behind it
i dunno how it goes haha
or than again
people could have never fallen in love therefore
thinks such feelings can be easily replaced with other stuff.
and yes,
best friends can be girlfriends
or boyfriends
its easy,
both party has to be willing to move on from the platonicness
or one side has to fight on fucking hard till the other side gives in
im halfway through and going strong by the way.
another thing is,
you sure any ol' stranger on the street can read you inside out and knows you better than anyone else on how to love you and stuff like that
putting aside your soulmate
its impossible
the odds are 1 : (world's current population)
than again, no offense
it's just a view
than again, its just a view
than again, i havent a clue
than again, i just do what i think is right
life is to short to hesistate,
i learnt it the hard way.
my back aches