Friday, September 07, 2007
wahahha 2 days gone and i've been to study with michelle zifeng kokleong and russell they all left in awhile so left me and zf. not much happened on that day. the second day, me jr and zf went out quite late, bout evening or something. we had pizza allllll the way at tampinese because of the stupid squabbles we have but hey we now hate cheese!(theres no link, no worries) and today the 3 of us went back to school and study and came back home. boring shi this is

a random picture of mich drinking her coke.


yea he drank all that and he is also trying to act sexy.he gets kinky after his meals

WE FINISHED ALL THAT. we should have called for backup

the top fingers are jr's, the ones at the right is zf's and the three stubby ones in the middle are mine. it was cut of and served back to me..

overwhelming cheese delights. oh yea we finished it.
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
today is my mum's birthday and we ate sushi...i think im gonna have a phobia for sushi soon. i met my cousins whom i didnt meet in a long time. sabrina (the younger one) was funny and was tall, she is what i like to describe the dvd player. she can stop being funny one min and the next go back to where she left off with her machine gun laughter . ally was still the same and she is in a uni, how cool is that lol. they later left and my mum sis and me left for plaza sing. eugene came and we ate again. the setting looks nice. than my sis andrew and me went to spotlight.had fun and went to buy stuff in carrefour. and im here. normal day.

hehehe i know i got guts

ball grabbin fun time

i look like mr ham-burgler

i love the way it looks, simplicity at its best!
Sunday, September 02, 2007
well me and zf went to jr house to study physics and yes we did learn a few things. we went on to watch hairspray. kinda funny not lame just a lil boring but it really shows the morals it wants to present to the public.
1. music and dance does not discriminate any race
2.there is more to just how you look, its the personality that makes you gorgeous.
3.i can fit into a booth of a car( hooray for that!)
i give it a 7 out of 10.