Saturday, October 06, 2007

what is jr so shy about? unless.....ho ho ho

pervert in cubical

pervert trying to chase me away

random photo

i like this random photo

this is no special effect..maybe just alittle

she was thinking of a song, i know it. cause she sang after that

this picture, is for me to escape from the shop. if you get what i mean
farewell assembly kinda suck cause i didnt have my glasses on. but i did see my picture in the slides...sheesh. after that i went down to my mums place to make a new pair of glasses. i have 2 how. a black frame and a similar model of oaklay but its not lol. cost my mum a 300 dollar hole in her pocket. we head on down to yishun to meet kaven and canice. i have no idea why he wanted to invite her but still it was fun having her around. who wouldn't love a clam chowder/clown/weirdo who laughs too much/ shortie around? wahhaha we should go out like this sometimes. and balls of fury SUCK
Sunday, September 30, 2007

freaky ? i know . this came across by accident when my friends and i on the way back to school.
which reminds me that next week is my last week in school. i'm regretting and all ya know.. not making full use of my four years and such. if i'd had just hang out with jr and zf earlier, i would have already experienced this strong feelings i have now for this girl. i cant say im in love but ..iono, just something i never felt before, not even with my family.
i can say im a heartless bitch, so many of life's ups and downs, made me into an iceman. i said i like girls before, but most likely are just infatuations nothing more. i have always told myself that only personality prevails over image. but im just another fraction of the countless hypocrites out there, not till last year though.
I'm a sucker for astrology, but now i dont really like it at all. it says my zodiac sign dosent go well with the girl. Pissed . wanting to go against the books, i told my close friend my plans. now all is for naught, realising my last week is actually this coming week kinda make me moody. never really smiled , just sulked the whole day, cept for a couple of times when i talked to her.
I never felt more miserable, not even when i left my dad's side.
This is a more matured misery. lol.
listening to "Mesmerized" by Lifehouse